The International College of Dentists, conceived in 1920 by two visionary leaders, is today the 12,000 strong, leading global honor society for dentists supporting hundreds of humanitarian and educational projects worldwide.
In honor of a century of service to mankind, recognition of outstanding dentists, and the pursuit of international cooperation, College Fellows, representing 122 member countries, will participate in worldwide celebrations, culminating with the 2021 meeting of the International Council in Nagoya, Japan (the country where the ICD was conceived), where The Symposium on College Humanitarian and Educational Projects will be held along with the International Induction Ceremony and Gala Banquet.
Click on the thumbnail to experience the stirring, original soundtrack accompanying the exciting Centennial trailer.
The 2023 Globe Vol. 2 is Released
The 2023 Globe Vol. 2 shares updates from each of the 16 ICD Sections across the world, Centennial plans and a COVID-19 message from President Senda.
Message from International President Akira Senda: “Impact of COVID-19 on the ICD”
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ICD-WUDAA Scholarship Program Now Accepting 2023 Applications
Applications are being accepted now through May 15 by the ICD-WUDAA Scholarship Program for the 2023-2021 school year. Selected dental students will receive funds to assist with tuition on behalf of this ICD Centennial signature event, embodying the spirit of the College's next 100 years.
ICD Centennial Spotlighted in The 2023 Globe
The 2023 Globe No. 1 celebrates and acknowledges our Centennial. The ICD's signature, annual publication, The Globe, is now divided into two parts to make sure you don't miss a thing.
Greetings and Centennial Updates from 2023 International President
Guiding us through our Centennial year, Akira Senda, of Japan, shares the latest updates on Centennial events and outlines his goals as 2023 ICD International President.